Thank you for your interest in applying to Applied AI for Professionals
If you have any questions in completing this form, please reach out to
Thank you for your interest in applying to AI-Empowered Leadership
If you have any questions in completing this form, please reach out to

Thank you for your interest in applying to the Digital Transformation Management Program. 

If you have any questions in completing this form, please reach out to

Thank you for your interest in applying to the Digital Transformation Leadership Program. 

If you have any questions in completing this form, please reach out to 

Please fill in the form below to apply for the TLP Program

Please complete the following form to apply for the 2024-2025 cohort. If you have questions, please contact before applying. Admission is competitive and space is limited.


Your SIN is securely collected and stored in compliance with FIPPA regulations for the purposes of issuing tax receipts for eligible programs.

If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, please enter N/A

Please provide last place of employment/education

This year, the DTM program offers a unique opportunity for a CAD $1,400 stipend paid internship for an approximately 10-hour additional work through our partnership with Riipen's Level UP initiative. Level UP is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Innovative Work-Integrated Learning (I-WIL) Initiatives program. Seats for the paid internship are limited and subject to eligibility. Please note that there is a requirement to declare that is no conflict of interest from this engagement. If you would to seek further clarification on the conflict of interest, please refer to Riipen’s terms and conditions:

If you are not ready to submit your reference, please upload a short note (.doc/pdf) where you indicate your referee name and title. Please also contact the i2I program coordinator at

Please see our Terms and Conditions and Participant acknowledgements below. These questions are required for the administration of the program. If you have any questions about these, please contact
Engagement and Support
DTM is a non-credit Executive Education program. As such, you are in control of your learning journey. We encourage you to directly apply the learning to your work by completing activities, engaging in discussions and attending peer learning sessions each week.

We also understand that you are busy and might miss a deadline or session. If you cannot submit your work by the deadline, Canvas, the learning management system, may send you a notification email. Please see this as a friendly reminder. If you know that you will miss a deadline or session or need to withdraw from the program, please let us know via email at
Engagement and Support
Applied AI for Professionals is a non-credit Executive Education program. As such, you are in control of your learning journey. We encourage you to directly apply the learning to your work by completing activities, engaging in discussions and attending peer learning sessions each week.

We also understand that you are busy and might miss a deadline or session. If you cannot submit your work by the deadline, Canvas, the learning management system, may send you a notification email. Please see this as a friendly reminder. If you know that you will miss a deadline or session or need to withdraw from the program, please let us know via email at
Engagement and Support
AI-Empowered Leadership is a non-credit Executive Education program. As such, you are in control of your learning journey. We encourage you to directly apply the learning to your work by completing activities, engaging in discussions and attending peer learning sessions each week.

We also understand that you are busy and might miss a deadline or session. If you cannot submit your work by the deadline, Canvas, the learning management system, may send you a notification email. Please see this as a friendly reminder. If you know that you will miss a deadline or session or need to withdraw from the program, please let us know via email at
Confidentiality Agreement
Throughout the program you will be prompted to share your experiences at work or with a volunteer organization. This sharing is important as it allows you to apply the learning from the program. Your peers will also do the same so you can learn from other job types and industries.

All information that is shared should be kept confidential. It is only meant for participants of this program. It must not be shared in any format with external parties. Since confidentiality is paramount, the sessions will not be recorded. Thank you for your understanding.
Academic Integrity and Professional Conduct

Academic Integrity:
Simon Fraser University is committed to creating a scholarly community characterized by honesty, civility, diversity, free inquiry, mutual respect, individual safety and freedom from harassment and discrimination.
Academic dishonesty, like other forms of dishonesty, includes misrepresentation with intent to deceive or without regard to the source or the accuracy of statements or findings. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the University; it is furthermore unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the University.

Intellectual Property:
All class material (e.g., the lectures, the slides, the outlines, the readings, games and simulations) are intellectual property that belongs to an instructor, the university, or another third party. Courses may not be recorded without prior consent of the instructor. Outlines, syllabi, and course materials may not be reproduced and shared with others unless expressly indicated.

Professional Conduct:
Every member of the Beedie Community (including students, faculty, and staff) is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Simon Fraser University's Student Conduct Policy defines good conduct requirements for students and covers the actions of students engaged in any university activity.

Photo Release
Please note that during the program there will be online synchronous sessions and we might ask for a photo to be taken. These photos might be used for reports, promotional materials and/or on our social media platforms. If you do not feel comfortable in being in the picture, you are welcome to turn off your camera.
Contact Information Sharing
To encourage keeping in touch during and after the program, we would like to share your name, your organization, your title, contact email and LinkedIn profile (if provided) to share with your peers in the program.

If you have any questions, please reach out to
Group Work Acknowledgement
Throughout the program, you will be encouraged to engage in group work to learn about aspects of business and technology that will help you to accomplish your goals and gain the confidence to champion and implement digital change solutions within your organization.

You will be assigned to a group to complete the weekly discussion activities where you will take the concepts and tools learned from the week and apply them.

The DIAL team is committed to your success in the program. If you have any questions about the group work, or are encountering any issues within your groups, please reach out to
Program Completion
Successful completion of the program is based on the following criteria:
  • Completing online weekly discussion posts
  • Completion of the capstone project
  • Grading for the program is assessed as complete/incomplete.

  • Upon program completion you will receive a certificate of completion as well as a digital certificate to add to your LinkedIn Profile.
    Please note that your access to Canvas will last for two months following the date of the closing session of the program. If you would like to receive access after the two month period, please reach out to
    External Platforms
    External tools and vendors, not supported or managed by SFU, may be necessary to facilitate learning within the program. During the program, you may be provided with course materials such as: learning platforms, readings, generative AI (such as ChatGPT), templates, games and other tools to support your learning. In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996) the program office must ask for your consent.

    The Beedie School of Business researches and carefully considers what sort of information the tool requires of users for access to the technology and where the information is being stored before incorporating it into the course. For more information, please read SFU's Protection of Privacy policies here: to an external site..

    The information in this webform is collected under the general authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1979, c.419). It is related directly to and needed by program administrators. The information will be used to communicate with applicants. The personal information collected and disclosed is stored on servers located in Canada. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the program coordinator, Executive Education, Beedie School of Business, at
    The information in this webform is collected under the general authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1979, c.419). It is related directly to and needed by program administrators. The information will be used to communicate with applicants. The personal information collected and disclosed is stored on servers located in Canada. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the program coordinator, Executive Education, Beedie School of Business, at

    Veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant afin de poser votre candidature pour la cohorte 2024-2025. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter avant de poser votre candidature. Les admissions sont compétitives et le nombre de places est limité


    Si vous n’avez pas de profil LinkedIn, veuillez indiquer N/A dans le champ correspondant s’il vous plaît

    Si vous n'êtes pas prêt(e) à soumettre votre lettre de recommandation, veuillez téléverser une courte note (.doc/pdf), où vous indiquerez le nom et titre de votre référent. Veuillez aussi contacter la coordinatrice de programme à l'adresse
    Les informations contenues dans ce formulaire sont recueillies sous l'autorité générale de la loi de l'université (R.S.B.C. 1979, c.419). Elle est directement liée aux administrateurs du programme et leur est nécessaires. Ces informations seront utilisées pour communiquer avec les candidats. Les informations personnelles collectées et divulguées sont stockées sur des serveurs situés au Canada. Si vous avez des questions sur la collecte et l'utilisation de ces informations, veuillez contacter le responsable du programme, Executive Education, Beedie School of Business, à l'adresse
    [NOT BEING USED] Payment Description
    Application Fee: $75.00

    Total Due: $75.00
    Payment Information

    Billing Information

    (2 Letters i.e. Canada CA)

    Pathway Selection